We at Ashler Lodge No. 121 want to make it easier for you to pay your dues.
Prices on the website include a 3% processing fee.
Ashler Lodge No. 121 amended it’s Lodge By-Laws to increase it’s annual dues and the price of a Life Membership. this is the first time dues have been raised since 1987. Ashler Lodge No. 121 will collect the base rate of each age bracket plus 50% to accelerate the growth of Ashler’s account within the Life Membership program.
Ashler Life Memberships Purchase Price if you wish to write a check payable to “The Grand Lodge of Washington”. Prices on the website include a 3% processing fee.
18-35, inclusive: $975
36-45, inclusive: $900
46-55, inclusive: $750
56-65, inclusive: $675
66 and over: $600
Also, after December 31, 2021, all life memberships purchased after that date will pay the annual Grand Lodge assessment each year. Prior to that date, life members at Ashler Lodge were not required to pay the annual Grand Lodge assessment and it is optional for them.
The payment of dues, degree fees, life memberships does not make a non-Mason a Mason.